I brought dessert for our Saturday night BBQ with friends. I made graham cracker cake with whipped cream. It's from the cake cookbook I blogged about earlier and it turned out fantastic. I may just have to try every recipe but I don't think the Wii Fit will be very nice to me if I do.

On the grill....yum!

I must have many pickles on my burger. Anybody else feel passionately about their burger toppings?

Since the hot dogs looked super yummy, I had one of those too. Food coma began shortly after this photo was taken.
What is your favorite BBQ treat? Sometimes I crave popsicles when we have BBQ. I had a lot of popsicles during summer bbqs as a kid.
So glad you're enjoying BBQs. I love them too. My fave BBQ treat is grilled watermelon!