Yay, it's the weekend. I love the weekend. Especially, since Monday is my hubby's birthday which means there will be lots of yummy food for the next couple days of celebrating with family and friends.
I made these caramel pecan bars. Can you say DELICIOUS? They were so good and I'm so sorry to the blogger who posted the recipe because I can't find my notes and I'm unable to truly thank you. So, if you read this, please let me know and I'll give you the proper credit you deserve. These were especially yummy with coffee during a late night of playing Mexican Train. Have you ever played Mexican Train? It's a domino game that is truly addictive.

Last week my wonderful husband came home with a surprise for me......This cookbook that I have been wanting. His love language is definitely not romantic gift gestures so I was really really excited that he would bring this home for me when it wasn't a special occasion. Starting next week, I'm going to cook my way thru all her recipes. First up, chocolate cake to be served for the birthday boy. I'm sure I'll be blogging about it later.

Of course all these yummy eats have been cramping my weight-loss challenge. My friend came over last night and she hasn't had any success either, but we again vowed to do better. LOL
Today, I managed to lace up my new sneakers and go for a jog. Oddly, the sneakers made the toes on my right foot go numb. Has this ever happened to you? I can't figure out if it's because they are new or I was wearing them too tight. hmmmmmmm....