Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey It's OK Tuesday (Valentine's Day Edition)

I'm linking up with Amber for Hey It's OK Tuesday

Hey, It's OK......

To be super excited it's Valentine's Day. Yes, I know it's over commercialized and a sappy holiday, but I love it anyway.

To not like conversation hearts. Cute but tastes too much like chalk to me.

To have declared today an eating fest. It started with a bagel with cream cheese and mini quiches. There is also lots of chocolate in my future.

To stay in tonight rather than fight the restaurant crowds. The food is never as good on a holiday and it seems rushed so they can turn tables quickly. 

To know this is why men buy us cards, treats and flowers.....

To send out Happy Valentine's Day messages excessively on text message, e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. Did I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day yet????????



  1. I thought I was the only one who hated conversation hearts!! Good to know I'm not alone!! Thanks for the good laugh...so true ha ;) Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. haha! that card there is SO true!!!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  3. That card is funny! Today is totally a calorie free day! I figured that out when I ate 2 cookies at lunch. Happy Valentine's Day girl!!!

  4. Another vote against conversation hearts here! Yuck!

    I agree about eating in. If you try to book at a restaurant and they agree to only seat you if you can be in and out within an hour, you know the food won't be lovingly prepared! That's why my man made dinner for us this V Day :)

  5. Ha, these are so on the money! I actually hate conversation hearts too due to their chalkiness. Dove Hearts are much better :) I wish we had stayed home for dinner, our restaurant meal was incredibly overpriced and pretty lousy, I will remember this for next year!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! And I totally agree with you-- conversation hearts do taste like chalk!

    SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

    P.S. You should check out my Juicy Couture heart studs giveaway!

  7. I love conversation hearts for DIY projects but when it comes to eating them I always worry they will break a tooth or something and I love your card it is so cute and so true! Happy Valentines Day!

  8. I also don't mind Valentine's Day. I mean, chocolate is involved. Who could hate that?

    We went out to eat at lunch. Not bad at all. We'd never try dinner either. Yikes.
