Monday, May 30, 2011

Panzanella- On A Stick

As I'm sure most people did over Memorial Day weekend, we had a BBQ. Complete with hotdogs, hamburgers, beer and yummy panzanella sticks. I received the cookbook On A Stick by Matt Armendariz for review in my mail on Friday and couldn't wait to try it out. The photos are great and each one makes me want to try the recipe.
Doesn't the corn dog on the cover look delicious? Can't wait to try that recipe.
So easy to put together and I was able to use more of the basil from the plant I'm trying to keep alive.

Just before serving I drizzled balsamic vinagrette over them. The recipe calls for a sherry vingagrette which I'm sure would be just as yummy.
I hope you'll check out this cookbook. I saw it for sale at Barnes & Noble over the weekend so I know it's easy to find. I really want to make the cake pops next but that will have to wait about a month. I'll explain tomorrow.

How did you spend your weekend? Did you BBQ or travel?